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March 2, 2008

Wireless (802.11) Attacks Whitepaper

Author's abstract:

"I have been working with 802.11 wireless technologies for a couple years now and although things are starting to improve, I still do not see many step by step or “How to” guides that give detailed instruction on performing 802.11 wireless attacks ( aside). The focus of this whitepaper is to provide a step by step walkthrough of popular wireless attacks. There are some areas where I just point you in the right direction, usually towards the right tool, but ideally, these areas will be further described and covered in the next release of the paper. By understanding the mindset and methodologies an attacker uses, we can better defend against those attacks. Although I’ll provide a brief background into 802.11, this paper should not serve as a comprehensive guide to the 802.11 standard, but instead should provide you with adequate information to understand 802.11 attacks. I’ll continue to update this paper as I further experiment with new attacks, so please stay tuned for updates. "

Whitepaper download.

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